The legacy of crafting beloved canine companions reached its peak during the 1920s and 1930s, a true golden age for collectible dogs. Among these creations was the St. Bernard, Switzerland’s national dog, whose gentle and loyal nature inspired this exquisite design. Standing just 4 inches tall, this faithful replica captures the noble essence of the breed. Made from the RMS-certified mohair and traditionally stuffed with wood shavings, its intricate airbrushed details bring this small masterpiece to life. Striking glass eyes reflect the dog’s kind and benevolent personality, while the iconic “underscored button” ear tag, crafted from patinated steel, signifies its status as a collectible treasure. Limited to just 934 pieces worldwide, this charming St. Bernard is a testament to artistry and meticulous craftsmanship. A dignified tribute to one of the world’s most cherished breeds, this little companion is sure to delight both collectors and dog lovers.
St Bernard replica 1934 403576
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